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Teaching Kitchen Collaborative

Building Collaborative Teaching Kitchen Teams | February 21, 2023

Building Collaborative Teaching Kitchen Teams | February 21, 2023

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The TKC believes in working across disciplines. When the medical and culinary communities join forces to address societal health challenges, we can—at long last—build a culture of health for all. We may not speak the same language or use the same tools, but there’s power in our common goals to increase quality of life and catalyze action—toward both individual behavior change and wide-scale systems change.

Join us for this webinar as we explore:

  • Roles and opportunities within teaching kitchens 
  • Essential skills and competencies for teaching kitchen instructors
  • Examples of team dynamics and responsibilities within existing teaching kitchen programs
  • Inspiration, lessons learned and practical teaching tips from current teaching kitchen instructors

Moderator: Christine Hamann, MBA, MPH, Teaching Kitchen Collaborative

Speakers: Leah Pryor, Chef, University of Vermont Medical Center
Julia MacLaren, RD, Alberta Health Services
Jaclyn Albin, MD, University of Texas Southwestern
Milette Siler, MBA-HC, RD, LD, CCMS, University of Texas Southwestern

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