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Teaching Kitchen Collaborative

Teaching Kitchens Addressing Food Insecurity | November 2, 2023

Teaching Kitchens Addressing Food Insecurity | November 2, 2023

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Only those who attended live are able to claim CPEUs for this webinar, valid through October 2024.

In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, food insecurity has soared across the globe. In the United States alone, 34 million people experience food insecurity (Economic Research Service). Food insecurity may be linked to lower-quality diets and higher levels of obesity in many population groups and many teaching kitchens are employing innovative strategies to address food insecurity in the populations they serve.

In this hour-long webinar, we’ll hear from three teaching kitchen educators about their successes and challenges with addressing food insecurity through their programs. Join us for this webinar as we explore:

  • Strategies for making teaching kitchen programs accessible for food insecure populations
  • How to guide participants in transforming food from pantries and food banks into nutritious and delicious meals
  • Collaborations teaching kitchens can seek out that will support their efforts for addressing food insecurity

Moderator: Rachel Bartlett, Teaching Kitchen Collaborative

Lynn Fredericks, FamilyCook Productions
Heidi Davis, MSW, Providence Milwaukie
Olivia (Weinstein) Thomas, MS, RDN, LDN, Boston Medical Center

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